Push 1 Yard

Since 2014, our no-profit organization called student-athletes A.C. begun the joruney to build Rosarito's first program and aid football field goal.

+1 yard Show your support in our goal to bring friday night lights to Rosarito, be part of our new football community and support with 1 Square yard of turf field + 1 square yard of sand base + 1 square yard of grave + construction work total of $62.00 dlls.

We Need Your Help

  • With $10 USD you will contribute to gear and equipment funds

    Helmets, dummies, footballs, shoulder pads and any gear to develop great students and better and safer football players.

  • Sponsor a player

    A monthly donation of $43.00 dlls will make you sponsor a child with 100% of their monthly fees. To cover the expenses of each player, such as the cost of uniforms, transportation to away games, referees and ambulances.

  • One yard at a time

    Support with 1 Square yard of turf field + 1 square yard of sand base + 1 square yard of grave + construction work total of $62.00 dlls. Each yard donnor name will be immortalized forever in our grattitude wall of founders members.

  • Anything between a football, and a football stadium is more than welcome.


SAC - Student Athletes Center

A traditional high school based model in which we are going to train athletes from different sports, starting with football and looking forward to provide the physical training to more sports such as basketball, baseball, volleyball, wrestling, boxing and surfing. All with the student-athletes philosophy of building better student’s first and great athletes.

“Each yard donnor name will be immortalized forever in our grattitude wall of founders members.”

Proposal project Renders

Location Proposal